Buck Boosters Athletic grants since 1989
(scroll on table)
Athletic grants continued below....
Including 2020-2022, Buck Boosters have donated over $990,000 to various PHS Athletic programs and co-curricular activities over the last thirty-two years!
2019-2020 $27,818.61
- Uniform Replacement $5,000.00
- PHS Basketball/Dr. Dish shooting machine $5,7900.00
- Class of 2020 Senior class party $500.00
- Speech and Debate $1,500.00
- Engineering $250.00
- Baseball/Bob White Fence $14,778.61
2018-2019 $90,731.00
- Scoreboard for Girls Softball field $13,500.00
- Equipment for new weight room $15,000.00
- Student admissions to football playoff games $1,375.00
- Final payment for track/multipurpose facility $50,000.00
- Golf Boys and Girls golf bags $2,834.00
- Baseball and Softball playoffs student admissions $210.00
- Uniform replacements $5,000.00
- Team Auction Funds $2,812.00
2017-2018 $87,477.15
Track/Multipurpose Facility (lights & scoreboard) $71,750.00
PHS Softball Playoff Game Student Admission $667.00
PHS Softball New L Screens $700.00
PHS Girls Basketball Playoff game student admission $300.00
Athletic Dept - Ice Machine $3,0000.00
Robotics (event support) $500.00
Fall Tailgater $318.15
Nike Uniform replacement program $5,000.00
Senior All-Night grad party contribution $600.00
Donation for State Swim team expenses - $200.00
Teams/ASB Account - Auction Proceeds $4,442.00
2016-2017 169,560.92
Fall Tailgaters $469.37
FFA/National Convention Fees $1,184.00
Baseball and Softball batting cage nets $2,226.54
PHS Athletics/Concession stand/lobby TV's $678.07
PHS Athletics/Uniform replacement program $5,000.00
Student Admission to Basketball playoff games $720.00
Team ASB Grant/Auction proceeds $6,441.00
Basketball State Playoff Rooter busses $1,241.94
Track/Multipurpose Facility $150,000.00
PHS Robotics Nationals Registration $1,000.00
PHS Senior Class Party $600.00
2014-2015 $61,038.60
Tennis Court Refurbish $10,000.00
Football/Headsets $4,900.00
PHS Athletics/Kettlebells & Equip. $2,995.98
Boys Soccer/Uniforms $3,150.00
PHS Athletics/Coaches Seminar $1,500.00
PHS Leadership/Tailgaters-Football $1,680.65
Boys Basketball/Uniforms $3,523.40
PHS Leadership/Basketball Poster Pictures (Fatheads) $360.00
PHS Teams/ASB Accounts (Auction Sales) $6,220.00
Rhythmic Mode/Lenovo Yoga Tablet & Case $513.97
PHS Robotics Team/Event Entry Fees $900.00
PHS Softball/Outdoor Sound System $2,324.00
PHS Athletics/Warberg Court Sound System $6,132.00
PHS Leadership/Rooter Busses-State Basketball $3,481.00
PHS Football/Away Jerseys, 8 Helmets, Pads & Practice $9,697.60
PHS Baseball Uniforms $3,960.00
2013-2014 $46,830.20
Football (recondition 12 helmets) $2,214.45
Girls Soccer Uniforms $525.23
Baseball Scoreboard Install $7,907.33
Lawn Chair Club Donation $500.00
Girl Basketball Uniforms $2,133.04
Golf Bags $1,810.50
Softball Batting Cage Nets $1,648.60
Team Auction Sales Grants to ASB Accts $4,345.00
Rhythmic Mode Stretch Straps $354.47
Track and Field Warmups $5,196.00
PHS Leadership/Rooter Bus-Hermiston $146.82
Baseball L-Screens, Ball Baskets, Machine Balls $1,050.00
PHS Athletics Baseball Frosh Field Fence $16,000.00
Track and Field / Equipment $2,398.76
Softball / State Champion Apparel $600.00
2012-2013 $61,452.08
PHS Athletic Dept (unbudgeted expenses) $5,000.00
Girls Soccer (game balls) $270.00
Volleyball (uniforms) $2,049.00
Football (12 helmets) $2,400.00
Wrestling (mat) $2,500.00
Concession Stand Remodel $12,000.00
Baseball (uniforms) $2,420.00
Boys Basketball (20 balls & freight) $985.40
Softball (uniforms) $2,466.68
Track (High Jump Pit) $5,199.00
Softball (Steve Cary Sign) $500.00
PHS Athletic Dept (Scoreboard Install) $4,180.00
PHS Athletic Dept (Scoreboard/Bob White Field) $21,482.00
2011-2012 $24,044.19
Popcorn Machine $1,102.53
Boys Soccer (help at dinner/auction) $500.00
Cheerleaders (help at dinner/auction) $500.00
Warberg Court Scoreboard $14,000.00
Cross Country (Sprint 8 Timer) $939.00
Softball (Batting Cage) $1,277.00
PHS Athletic Dept (unbudgeted expenses) $5,000.00
Swim Team (supplies) $725.66
2010-2011 $19,234.21
Round-Up Scoreboard ( ½ of donation ) $5,000.00
Boys Track-uniforms $3,913.00
Video Equipment $2,252.50
Boys Basketball-basketballs, ankle braces $1,436.29
Baseball-practice equipment $1,041.38
Football-girdles $1,000.00
Bucky Costume $993.50
Girls Basketball-basketballs $926.91
HUDL Software $800.00
Rooter Bus $671.63
Grant to Boys Soccer $500.00
Grant to Cheerleaders $500.00
Dance Team-sound system $199.00
2009-2010 $43,248.35
PHS Athletic Department $10,000.00
Volleyball - net system $7,345.90
Football - headsets $5,358.97
Round-Up Scoreboard ( ½ of donation ) $5,000.00
Softball-batting cage $4,863.60
Gold Gym - backboards $3,150.00
Girls Track - uniforms $3,060.00
Rooter Bus - boys basketball state tournament $1,186.00
Volleyball - stand $830.00
Gold Gym - install backboards $556.09
Grant to Dance Team $500.00
Grant to Boys Soccer $500.00
Grant to Cheerleaders $500.00
Dance Team - video camera $397.79
2008-2009 $30,674.10
Track resurfacing $14,000.00
Softball-fence $5,087.23
Softball-scoreboard $4,501.84
Wrestling-laptop, video equip $2,726.91
Cheerleaders-uniforms $2,599.05
Athletic Trainer-concussion software update $500.00
Grant to Boys Soccer $500.00
Boys and Girls Tennis-equipment and supplies $389.07
Grant to Dance Team $370.00
2007-2008 $13,563.44
Track-pole vault standards $1,785.00
Tennis-ball machine $625.00
Softball-uniforms $2,214.20
Baseball-uniforms $3,383.74
Grant to Cheerleaders $500.00
Dance Team-shirts $540.00
Spirit items $989.00
Baseball-Fallen Field fence $2,000.00
Football-face masks $1,526.50
2006-2007 $26,328.22
Football- uniforms $11,335.00
Atlas and Athena program-food donation $1,266.50
Cheerleaders - uniforms $2,000.00
Volleyball-uniforms $1,416.61
Boys basketball-uniforms $3,027.00
Baseball-backstop $2,780.10
Track-Discus cage $3,015.70
Baseball-Promax bricks, equipment $987.31
Athletic trainer-concussion software update $500.00
2005-2006 $28,700.00
PHS Weight Room $25,000.00
Grant to Dance Team $500.00
Softball - uniforms $3,200.00
2004-2005 $33,750.83
Grant to Pendleton School Dist.16R toward equip & supplies $6,000.00
Football-video equipment & software $4,000.00
Wrestling-bleachers $3,258.00
Girls Soccer-uniforms $1,200.00
Cross Country-uniforms $1,600.00
Boys Soccer-warm-ups $1,400.00
Volleyball-uniforms $1,345.00
Grant to Cheerleaders $500.00
Babe Ruth Association-Hitting facility $5,000.00
Swimming-warm-ups $2,700.00
Grant to Dance Team $500.00
Rooter Bus $600.00
Track-uniforms $3,391.75
Girls Golf-rain & wind gear $1,101.50
Softball-benches for dugouts $1,154.58
2003-2004 $20,547.37
Grant to Pendleton School Dist.16R toward equip. & supplies $13,000.00
Grant to Cheerleaders $500.00
Baseball batting cage materials $2,000.00
Swimming starting block anchors $769.37
Wrestling mat reconditioning $4,578.00
Equestrian Team uniforms & competition fees $200.00
2002-2003 $5,989.32
Grant to Cheerleaders $500.00
PHS ticket windows $200.00
Track - repair/restore pole vault mat & frame $2,014.32
Baseball uniforms $2,700.00
Soccer - practice metal players $575.00
2001-2002 $8,805.95
Grant to Cheerleaders $500.00
Girls Basketball warm-ups $600.00
Dance Team State Championship signs $700.00
PHS Banner Project $4,105.00
Wrestling scale and case $699.95
Grants to Girls Basketball, Wrestling, & Dance Teams $2,201.00
2000-2001 $7,648.88
Grant to Cheerleaders $500.00
Scoreboard $3,500.00
Tennis storage shed $668.88
Tennis warm-up pants $960.00
Track - pole vault pole $430.00
Volleyball travel bags $450.00
Pretzel cabinet $740.00
Popcorn popper $400.00
1999-2000 $17,040.57
Grant to Cheerleaders $500.00
Goalposts $3,751.57
Video equipment $3,363.00
Physical Therapy equipment $476.00
Girls Soccer warm-ups $1,200.00
Track - pole vault pit pads $6,950.00
Track - base protection pads $800.00
1998-1999 $15,919.57
Grant to Cheerleaders $500.00
Cheerleader skirts $694.50
Soccer goals $2,955.00
Weight Training equipment $5,122.38
Football game pants $1,760.00
Track Building - supplies, labor, plaque $2,387.60
Sound barrier curtains for gym $853.18
Golf jackets $826.00
Track - indoor runway $295.91
Wrestling mat lamp $525.00
1997-1998 $17,718.03
Grant to Cheerleaders $500.00
Leadership Committee - banners $1,569.00
Football - blocking sled $3,271.17
9th Football - standup dummies $450.00
Cross Country - stopwatch printer $778.50
Cross Country - uniforms $1,800.00
Athletic Trainer - Sportx Stimulator $498.42
Nautilus weight machines $4,400.00
Swimming - training tools $1,239.48
Baseball - lighting & batting cage $969.17
Track - uniforms $2,242.29
1996-1997 $11,498.38
Grant to Cheerleaders $500.00
Cheerleader pom-poms $358.00
Football - video system $1,000.00
Football - jugs throwing machine $1,871.00
Track - 40 hurdles $2,153.85
Track - discus cage $870.00
Track building $2,000.00
Cross Country warm-ups $1,307.78
Wrestling - climbing rope $287.76
Baseball - freezer $549.99
"Bucky" mascot costume $600.00
1995-1996 $26,790.86
Grant to Cheerleaders$ 500.00
Bear Squat machine $1,745.00
Girls Soccer bags $285.35
2 Girls Soccer goals $2,512.00
Dance Team - portable sound system $764.00
Slide Reebok system 4-pack $303.80
2 Schwinn Airdynes $700.00
Tennis warm-ups $1,320.00
Megaphone $94.76
Football blocking dummies $1,565.95
Concrete block - tiered wall track project $17,000.00
1994-1995 $11,599.57
Grant to Cheerleaders $500.00
Wrestling mat resurfacing $1,850.00
Girls Soccer uniforms $1,653.00
Girls Soccer equipment $640.50
Camcorder/Tripod $947.87
Basketball - 2 dry erase boards $650.00
Lighting project - BMCC-Legion Field $1,500.00
Girls Softball - Tractor $2,000.00
11 Golf bags $880.00
Track - pit weather cover $559.00
Softball - partial payment for drag $300.00
Tennis - District Tournament food $119.20
1993-1994 $8,296.17
Grant to Cheerleaders $500.00
PJHS breakaway rims $650.00
Volleyball warm-up pants $665.00
Volleyball coaching videos $496.75
Dance Team - trophies, ad $85.00
Training & Conditioning computer software $299.00
Football blocking sled $3,252.84
Baseball - screen, pump, rake $387.00
Track - 2 sets starting blocks $321.40
Wrestling - takedown machine $1,334.18
Banner - "Home of the Bucks" $225.00
Program Ad $80.00
1992-1993 $9,383.45
Grant to Cheerleaders $200.00
Mesh equipment carriers $351.44
2 Exercise bikes $960.00
Portable Soccer goals $1,900.00
Soccer uniforms $3,000.00
Tennis ball machine $1,208.11
Pole vault standards $874.50
Volleyball officials stand/pads $784.40
Program Ads $105.00
1991-1992 $10,016.91
Grant to Cheerleaders $150.00
Boys Basketball - VCR $329.00
Wrestling team bags $391.77
3 Portable bleachers $1,950.00
Tennis videos $88.85
Track - pole vault pit $2,700.00
Track - indoor shot, medicine balls $331.22
Track - sprinters harness $113.75
Softball - batting cage $750.00
Softball - pitching machine $919.00
Velocity builder $242.95
Weight room equipment $675.45
Baseball - repair of pitching machine $277.42
Girls Athletics - camcorder, tripod $968.00
Girls Basketball - practice jerseys $129.50
1990-1991 $5,934.83
9th Football - blocking sled$ 2,380.00
9th Football - iron for PJHS weight racks $425.00
9th Basketball - practice jerseys $267.75
Basketball - TV $339.00
Donation for Russian wrestling exchange $100.00
Track - pole vault pit cover $242.15
Track - computer software $72.90
Golf bags $541.75
Tennis - ball hoppers $32.00
Tennis - net $140.12
Softball batting cage net $750.93
Button making machine $368.23
Girls Basketball - practice jerseys $275.00
1989-1990 $12,395.00
Grant to Pendleton School Dist. 16R toward athletic budget $10,000.00
9th Baseball uniforms $600.00
Softball - protective screen $300.00
Golf team jackets $300.00
Swim Team - starting block $350.00
Track - pit cover $445.00
Soccer videos $100.00
Wrestling mat, donation $300.00